Snake plant or sansevieria propagation by leaf cuttings is maybe the easiest way to produce many new snake plant babies. On this video we are going to do snake plant propagation by leaf cuttings in unusual way. Instead of using potting soil or cocopeat as the snake plant's growth medium, we use water on this process. The process is actually as easy as doing snake plant propagation by leaf cuttings in other common growth media. Here are the steps of doing the snake plant propagation by leaf cuttings in water:
1. Prepare any container that can be filled with water.
2. Fill container with clean water.
3. Make leaf cuttings of the snake plant.
4. Wash the cuttings with clean water.
5. Put snake plant cuttings in container.
5. Keep the container in the shaded area, don't put under direct sun.
Those are the simple steps of doing snake plant/ sansevieria trifasciata propagation from leaf cuttings in water. Hope you enjoy.
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